Publications - Digital Platforms and the Global South
Publications - Digital Platforms and the Global South

Cet ouvrage aborde les questions soulevées par les plateformes numériques dans les pays du Sud, en mettant l'accent sur les enjeux culturels.
L’ouvrage est rédigé par Tristan Mattelart, Professeur en Sciences de l'information et de la Communication à l'IFP Université Panthon-Assas, Philippe Bouquillion, Professeur en Sciences de l'information et de la Communication à l'Université Paris 13-Directeur du Labsic, Christine Ithurbide Docteur en géographie et membre du Labsic.
Présentation de l'ouvrage :
This book addresses the issues raised by digital platforms in the Global South, with an emphasis on the cultural stakes involved. It brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers – including political economists, socio-economists, geographers, media sociologists or anthropologists – who each explore these issues through an insightful case study at a local, national, regional or international scale. While studying the strategies of some of the main US-based Big Tech platforms or video streaming platforms towards the Global South, the chapters also consider the often-neglected active role local or regional actors play in the expansion of those Western digital players, and highlight the existence of a constellation of local or regional platforms that have emerged in Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East. In addition to analysing the complex relationships of competition, collaboration or dependence between these diverse actors, this volume examines the ways in which the rise of these digital platforms has generated new forms of cultural entrepreneurship and participated in the reconfiguring of the conditions in which cultural contents are produced and circulated in the Global South.
Edition Routlege
Décembre 2023
256 pages
ISBN 9781003391746